Get the chance to experience a different side of ADVANCE-TB!
Every year we open 4 Grant Calls so our members can choose from four different grant types and apply.
Dissemination conference
Oral presentation by an Action Participant of the work of the Action in high-level conferences fully organized by a third party.
Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM)
Visit to a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a researcher or innovator for specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time.
ITC conference
Presentation of the own work given by a Young Researcher and Innovator affiliated with an Inclusiveness Target Country / Near Neighbour Country for their participation in high-level conferences fully organized by a third party.
Virtual Mobility
Collaboration in a virtual setting among researchers or innovators within the COST Action, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, etc.
In GP2, the ADVANCE-TB grant call will receive proposals according to the following timetable:
Would you like to join us?
Read the Project Description Memorandum of Understanding.
Inform the Chair of ADVANCE-TB, Alicia Lacoma, by email.
Apply to join your Working Group(s) of interest.